Getting to know Soda.

When and why did you start making art?

I began making art very early in my childhood. I’d always love to sing and perform. Once in year 1, I brought in my mum’s Xtina album and sang Candyman for show and tell, taking the show part very literally. Guess who’s gay now? This is one of many performances I began to do through childhood and into adolescence, then into adulthood. I think it’s been quite intrinsic, but I was also exposed to art in the home. My mum is a trained actor/vocalist and we went through quite a lot together. In catharses, I would listen to her use full dynamics as an expressive form. I think for her it made her suffering bearable and I internalised that.

What was your favorite Forest Collective project?

Thus far, my favourite project has been Orpheus. I had so much fun, it was my debut opera performance. I’d never been so nervous in my life for the opening show, I nearly fainted onstage. I lost my vision and could not hear the orchestra over the sound of my heart palpitating. I didn’t faint though I thought I might. I stabilised as soon as the first note came out and then had such a ball. I felt like for me that unlocked my desire to be a musician, as I was a little lost at the time discovering my identity as a performer.

What is a fun fact about you people may not know?

I spent so long trying to think of an answer for this. I think I would like to let the world know I am a little bit of a weeb. I have a sizeable Azelf tattoo on my leg (a Pokémon for those who don’t know). I play all the games quite religiously, I even have a Mew haha! I’ve recently started watching Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures and it’s great. I’d floated around like a spectre as my housemates watched it but never sat down with it. I’m very impressed.

What is your favourite work of art?

My favourite work of art (at the moment, cause it always changes) would probably have to be FKA Twigs’ new album. She is such a powerhouse, and I’m quite a big fan. I watched her at Dark Mofo a few years ago and it was truly the best concert I’ve ever seen. I was very inspired after my first listen of this album, a masterclass in deliverance.

What is one of your favorite pieces of music to play/sing/dance to?

I feel like I have differing answers for each medium. To sing, I would probably have to say the music on Fiona Apple’s 2012 album The Idler Wheel… She gets it. We have a similar range and tone. I often struggle at times to be fully engaged in the pieces I perform so being able to resonate with this album lyrically is quite an exciting feeling. To dance to, I really do indulge in my hyperpop. I spend hours scouring for songs and remixes to play in clubs so when I come across something that feels ecstatic, I often treasure it. I do love the classic pop bangers as well. Lots of Madonna too at the moment!


Getting to know Zela Papageorgiou


Getting to know Aleise Bright.